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Resources are the building blocks of everything in your empire.  They are used to make buildings and troops.  


You can get resources in a number of ways:



Oh no, I have too many resources, they're getting wasted....  what can I do?!  Never fear! Click here!



How many resources will I need?

The answer to this is always 'more than I have'!  

The tricky part of resources is to make sure you have what you need, when you need it.  You will probably be short of one thing or another at any time. 


In general:

  • Resource buildings use more wood than stone

  • Military buildings use more stone

  • Walls and wall defences use a majority of stone

  • Troop enlistment uses mostly iron

  • Troops eat food - NEVER run out of food or your troops will abandon you.


Below are the different ways of getting the resources that you need, you can use one or all of the below to balance out your stores.



Production in your city

Look around, you have forests, stone, iron and lakes.  The number you have is related to the terrain your city is in - surrounded by forests in Region view?  You'll have lots of forests in your city.  For future cities that may be helpful, but for now, you have to work with what you've got.


How to maximise your production of a resource


I'll use wood as an example, but the same applies to stone, iron and lakes (food)


  • Place a foresters hut next to forests. The more forests it touches, the higher its wood production.   

  • Place a cabin next to a forester huts.  The more forester huts it touches, the more it boosts production.

  • Place a sawmill next to forester huts (that needs a Level 7 Basilica).  That boosts forester huts even more.


Grr, there is a pesky stone node in the way of my perfect layout....

You can demolish a resources node (click D while it's highlighted, or choose demolish from the info panel on the left). It takes one hour to demolish a node.

You can speed this (OK, make it instant) using Magic Powder from your items.  


Speaking of the perfect layout

There is a helpful tool that you can use to plan the best layout for your city, to maximise resource (or troop) production.  Eventually you'll get to know what you need to do, but in the meantime familiarising yourself with the website of the city optimisation tool may help.    


Plundering Caverns

In general, raiding caverns for resources is more efficient than producing it yourself, but for now you need to produce your own to be able to make the troops.   In particular, raiding caverns will ensure you have a steady supply of gold, although there are buildings (villas) that add gold production to your city.


You'll probably make good use of this raid sheet to ensure you plunder most efficiently.  Change the cavern type and progress % to see how many troops you should send.  


Cavern information

  • As the percentage goes down, there will be more monsters in the cavern and more plunder to be had, so you need to send more and more troops.  

  • The travel time for the troops is calculated at their speed (how many minutes per tile) plus 60 minutes each way to battle the monsters, load the carts and unload them.    

  • Depending on the type of cavern it will have more of one resources than another - forest caverns have more wood, mountain caverns have more iron, hills have more stone, siren's coves have more food.

  • Caverns automatically pop up on the region map based on the number of troops around them - if you have lots of higher level caverns near you then your neighbours probably have lots of troops!


How to raid - manual

  • Select your cavern on region view - nearer the better

  • Click 'Raid Cavern'

  • Enter the number of troops you wish to send

  • Select a time - you can plan a departure time in advance

  • Click 'Raid'

  • You can check the progress of your raid in the Command slots on the left info bar

  • Each time a raid attacks a cavern you will get a report.  Reports can be found in the Overviews.  



How to raid - using the war councillor

You can use the War Councillor to help manage your empire.  Early on you can keep an eye on your raiding parties quite easily, but as you get more and more cities with troops in it gets more time consuming.

  • Find idle troops.  The councillor will list how many troops, and what type, you have and where they are.  You can then switch to that city and issue orders.

  • Locate nearby caverns.  The councillor will list all nearby caverns, allowing you to decide which one to raid, and what size army to send.  He will also let you decide whether to raid once or until the cavern is empty, how many raiding parties to send, at what intervals, and whether to keep some troops at home (for defence, for replacing the dead or for other orders; your choice.)



Resource Items

If you look in your Items  display you may have some resource items there.    Note that using them is instant, in the city you are in and if you overflow your storage you will lose any extra resource.  Also remember the cost in terms of charisma from using any items.  Items can be purchased from the store, won if you kill a boss, or are sometimes gained as Rewards for reaching milestones in your empire.



Trading in the Marketplace

If you have extra gold, or resources of one type or another, it is possible to sell and buy them - use the Trade function for this.  Be aware of the travel times, it may take a long time for the goods to get to you.  Also note that if you are selling resources,  your carts or ships are taken out of action, so if you need them for something else you need to cancel your trade, or wait for them to get home from a delivery.


Daily rewards, Social Media gifts, Contests and Player Referral Bonus

Make sure you log in daily!  There are rewards to choose from when you log in each day.

Additionally, every now and then a code might appear on one of the Social Media channels for free items.  The codes are usually limited in numbers and available for a limited time only, so liking, following or subscribing to COTG might help you!

There are also special resources available to you if players who start the game using your referral link purchase denari.

The COTG Facebook page and game forum also have regular contests where prizes are given to winners! 

Too many resources?

You may find it hard to believe right now, but the time may come where you are overflowing with resources and can't get rid of them... here are a few ideas:

  • Don't advertise the fact in World Chat, others may be watching and send troops to relieve you of your burdensome resources.  Of course if they're in your alliance, this might be an easy way to transfer resources to another player (make sure you don't have any troops home though!).

  • Add extra marketplaces or ports - the extra carts and ships may help you remove the resources to other cities faster

  • Put in a Sorcerer's Tower to Level 10 - you will be able to refine excess resources (if you have the Trade Councillor, she will automatically do it for you).

  •  If you have a few raiding parties going at the same time, make sure they get back to base at staggered times - if all resources arrive at once it will make it hard for your carts to transport everything, or for your build or enlist queue to use everything.

  • Add in more storehouses (or lumber yards, masons huts, smelters or grain mills next to them) to increase the amount of each resource you can store before it is wasted. 

  • Demolish the resource producers you have built - raiding produces more than making your own, so once you have the troops working for their keep, you can replace the production buildings with more barracks or enlistment speed boosters.




Production in your city
Plundering caverns
Resource items
Trading in the marketplace
Too many resources
Daily Rewards and Player Referral Bonus

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