I've seen people talk about...
If you're new to the game you may be intimidated by World Chat, as people talk about things that you don't have any idea what they're talking about. Don't even worry about it, we all started somewhere. To be honest, a lot of world chat nobody has any idea what they're talking about most of the time anyway... ;)
This page is a few things that you may see mentioned that you don't want to ask about.
New Player Protection or Beginner Protection (BP)
As a new player, everyone gets a period of grace in which they cannot be attacked by other players. This is usually one week after first entering your city, however if you build a castle in your city then you lose the right to the New Player's Protection and are vulnerable.
After Dark Penalty or Night Protection (NP)
There is a particular time on the clock at which attack troops have less power. This is to allow everyone to sleep, eat, work with less fear of being attacked by others. It is 10pm - 8am Server time. As more and more worlds open with different timezones the world you choose to play may be influenced by when the ADP times are. To know whether ADP penalties apply, look at the colour of your clock in the game - if the server time is displayed in red then full 40% penalty applies, if the clock is orange then a sliding scale from 0 - 40% applies depending on how far from 10pm or 8am it is. Due to the limit of attack force during ADP, don't attack at night time, or be prepared to lose more troops if yours meet resistance. This penalty does NOT apply to cavern raids or boss attacks.
Portals allow land-based troops to travel to other continents, but ONLY when the portals are open, and ONLY if they can get to their taget and back in the time the portal is open. You will see a pop up (if you are in game) or an announcement in the 'Announcements and history' screen when you log in, giving warning of their opening and (once open) the closing time. There are 4 portals per continent, and one randomly opens each time portals are active (also random, approximately every 7 - 10 days).
To send troops through a portal is exactly the same process as on land but you need enough portalstones for the number of troops you send (1 stone per TS). Depending on travel distance, there is also a penalty for the attacking force, the further the journey, the more penalty. The CotG page giving more information (and the formula for penalties) is here.
You may see Morale % penalty on an attack report. A smaller player will receive a bonus if a larger player attacks them. The aim of this is to prevent larger players bullying the new guys, for example if a player with 20x your score attacks, you will receive a boost of 200% to your troops' combat power. The CotG page on Morale penalties can be found here.
Some COTG players have written scripts to help other players manage their empires easily. You will need to install a script into your game to be able to use it. Once you have downloaded and activated a script it will make changes to your game displays, adding buttons or features. Examples of what some scripts can do are:
Change the display colour of the UI (User Interface)
Suggest numbers of troops to send at caverns
Give you a 'Quick Demo' button to speedily take down resource nodes or buildings
Scripts are only allowed if they are approved by the COTG developer team. There is an Add-On Market which means that players who write scripts can 'sell' them on the market. This means the scripts are available to all and the writer gets some denari in return for their work and skills. If you know how to write scripts and have an idea - get scripting!!
A recent addition has been a Tournament world. There are plans for lots of different types in the future, the first one involved settling and holding onto special Tournament Squares for the longest time. The tournament had special game play boosts such as faster build speed, faster troops and was limited to two weeks. There is a thread in the Game forum asking for ideas and thoughts on settings for future tournaments too, so all ideas can be considered.